Terms and conditions of use

These present terms and conditions of use (the “Terms and Conditions of Use”) apply to and govern the use of Arianespace.com (the “Site”).

By using the Site, the user hereby acknowledges having taken note of the following Terms and Conditions of Use and agrees to comply with them. The user acknowledge being perfectly aware of the fact that their consent concerning the contents of these Terms and Conditions of Use does not require their handwritten signature on the document.

License to use this site

Arianespace grants the user a non-exclusive, limited right to access, and display the Site and the materials thereof for the user personal use only, provided that the user fully complies with these Terms and Conditions of Use.


Intellectual property rights

The Site and all of its components, including without limitation the software, texts, animated images, photographs, illustrations, sounds, know-how, and video-clips are the exclusive property of Arianespace. The present Terms and Conditions of Use do not transfer any kind of intellectual property rights on elements belonging to Arianespace.

Any total or partial reproduction, performance or modification of all or part of the Site, without the express authorization of Arianespace is forbidden and would constitute a forgery punishable under the French Intellectual Property Code.

The brand of Arianespace as well as the logo that appear on the Site are registered trademarks. The total or partial reproduction of theses brand or logo, through use of elements of the Site without the express authorization of Arianespace is forbidden.



Arianespace shall under no circumstances be held liable for any items beyond its control or any damage that may be suffered by users or their technical environment, particularly their computers, software, equipment, network and hardware used to access or use the Site.

Arianespace shall not guarantee that the Site will be accessible at any time without error and/or free of defects. Arianespace shall not in any case be liable for without limitation, any modification, suspension or interruption of the Site.

Any damage resulting from the access, the use and or the unavailability (temporary or definitive) of the Site shall not give rise to users to a request for damages or any other form of compensation. In particular for any loss of data/software, contamination by virus, financial prejudice or harm to business and/or any damage to reputation.


Changes to terms and conditions of use

Arianespace reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to update, change, modify, add or remove any part of these Terms and Conditions of Use, in whole or in part, at any time without informing internet users thereof in advance.

Any substantial change on these Terms and Conditions of Use will be effective upon their posting on the Site. The users agree to review these Terms and Conditions of Use periodically in order to be aware of any changes. The users continued use of the Site after any changes to these Terms and Conditions of Use are posted will be considered acceptance of those changes.


Other sites

This Site may contain links to other third party internet websites, which may have separate terms and conditions of use, independent of this Site. Arianespace has no responsibility or liability for the users’ usage and browsing of any third party internet websites as well as their independent terms and conditions of use.


Governing law and competent court

These Terms and Conditions of Use shall be governed solely and exclusively by French Law.

Any dispute that cannot be amicably resolved shall be settled by the French competent courts.



If you have any questions regarding the utilization of arianespace.com or relating to these Terms and Conditions of Use please e-mail us at webmaster@arianespace.com



The Terms and Conditions of Use are a comprehensive expression of the parties’ obligations.

No general or specific condition communicated by any user will be included in the Terms and Conditions of Use herein.